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Order a Brix Board


We will create one Brix Board per angel. Brix Boards are only made for the parents. There is no cost to the parents thanks to generous donors who support our mission.


Please fill out all of the fields in order for us to process your Brix Board. You must include the city, state & zip in the shipping address section.


We will send you a confirmation email within a few hours of receiving your order. You must respond to that email to delay processing your Brix Board.


If you are ordering for someone else, there is a $25.00 sponsorship fee. The form below will prompt you to pay.

Order Form
Are you sponsoring this Brix Board for the parents?

*If yes, please pay before submitting. 

Thanks for submitting!

We're sorry, we have reached our Brix Boards limit. We are not accepting anymore submissions at this time. We look forward to honoring your angel. Love, The Brix Boards Crew

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